Advent eBook Available Now!

Let’s be real: we want Christmas, not Advent. We want the celebration, not the tension of waiting.

But the whole Christian life is an Advent life. While Israel waited for thousands of years for Jesus’ first coming, we wait for His return.

Luke portrays the people of Israel as stranded and wandering in an empty, howling expanse of wilderness. The darkness is thick to touch. Rocks of fear trip their feet and the weight of hopelessness slows them down. A black sky presses down on them. They cannot bear to take one more step. But then, a glint of colour on the horizon.

The dawn of hope - The Rising Sun.

Join me this Advent season as we immerse ourselves in the waiting stories of Zechariah and Elizabeth, Mary, the Shepherds, and Simeon and Anna.

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Rebecca Smyth is a Northern Irish storyteller, wife and unlikely mum of three sons. After becoming a mother at eighteen, and at a time of feeling totally lost, she found her words. She says writing is now her way of seeing God in her life and she hopes that maybe, through her stories, you might see him in yours too. She also says she is immediately friends with anyone who calls her Reb instead of Rebecca. But no pressure.

In this season she is happiest on a slow Saturday morning with coffee, a bounty of pastries, books and snuggles with her boys.

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